34 research outputs found

    The Java Memory Model is Type Safe

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    Analysing Java's safety guarantees under concurrency

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    Two features distinguish Java from other main-stream programming languages like C and C++: its built-in support for concurrency and safety guarantees such as type safety or safe execution in a sandbox. In this work, we build a formal, unified model of Java concurrency, validate it empirically, and analyse it with respect to the safety guarantees using a proof assistant. We show that type safety and Java's data race freedom guarantee hold. Our analysis, however, revealed a weakness in the Java security architecture, because the Java memory model theoretically allows pointer forgery. As a result, this work clarifies the specification of the Java memory mode

    A Mechanized Proof of the Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem for Countable Networks

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    Aharoni et al. [Ron Aharoni et al., 2010] proved the max-flow min-cut theorem for countable networks, namely that in every countable network with finite edge capacities, there exists a flow and a cut such that the flow saturates all outgoing edges of the cut and is zero on all incoming edges. In this paper, we formalize their proof in Isabelle/HOL and thereby identify and fix several problems with their proof. We also provide a simpler proof for networks where the total outgoing capacity of all vertices other than the source is finite. This proof is based on the max-flow min-cut theorem for finite networks

    A Machine-Checked, Type-Safe Model of Java Concurrency : Language, Virtual Machine, Memory Model, and Verified Compiler

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    The Java programming language provides safety and security guarantees such as type safety and its security architecture. They distinguish it from other mainstream programming languages like C and C++. In this work, we develop a machine-checked model of concurrent Java and the Java memory model and investigate the impact of concurrency on these guarantees. From the formal model, we automatically obtain an executable verified compiler to bytecode and a validated virtual machine

    Authenticated Data Structures as Functors in Isabelle/HOL

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    Merkle trees are ubiquitous in blockchains and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). They guarantee that the involved systems are referring to the same binary tree, even if each of them knows only the cryptographic hash of the root. Inclusion proofs allow knowledgeable systems to share subtrees with other systems and the latter can verify the subtrees\u27 authenticity. Often, blockchains and DLTs use data structures more complicated than binary trees; authenticated data structures generalize Merkle trees to such structures. We show how to formally define and reason about authenticated data structures, their inclusion proofs, and operations thereon as datatypes in Isabelle/HOL. The construction lives in the symbolic model, i.e., we assume that no hash collisions occur. Our approach is modular and allows us to construct complicated trees from reusable building blocks, which we call Merkle functors. Merkle functors include sums, products, and function spaces and are closed under composition and least fixpoints. As a practical application, we model the hierarchical transactions of Canton, a practical interoperability protocol for distributed ledgers, as authenticated data structures. This is a first step towards formalizing the Canton protocol and verifying its integrity and security guarantees

    A Unified, Machine-Checked Formalisation of Java and the Java Memory Model

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    We present a machine-checked formalisation of the Java memory model and connect it to an operational semantics for Java source code and bytecode. This provides the link between sequential semantics and the memory model that has been missing in the literature. Our model extends previous formalisations by dynamic memory allocation, thread spawns and joins, infinite executions, the wait-notify mechanism and thread interruption. We prove the Java data race freedom guarantee for the complete formalisation in a modular way. This work makes the assumptions about the sequential semantics explicit and shows how to discharge them

    Type Safe Nondeterminism - A formal Semantics of Java Threads

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    We present a generic framework to transform a single-threaded operational semantics into a semantics with interleaved execution of threads. Threads can be dynamically created and use locks for synchronisation. They can suspend themselves, be notified by other threads again, and interact via shared memory. We formalised this in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL along with theorems to carry type safety proofs for the instantiating semantics (progress and preservation in the style of Wright and Felleisen [24]) over to the multithreaded case, thereby investigating the role of deadlocks and giving an explicit formalisation for them. We apply this framework to the Java thread model using an extension of the Jinja [12] source code semantics to have type safety for multithreaded Java machinechecked. The Java Memory Model is not included

    A tutorial introduction to CryptHOL

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    This tutorial demonstrates how cryptographic security notions, constructions, and game-based security proofs can be formalized using the CryptHOL framework. As a running example, we formalize a variant of the hash-based ElGamal encryption scheme and its IND-CPA security in the random oracle model. This tutorial assumes familiarity with Isabelle/HOL basics and standard cryptographic terminology